Getting Back in Touch with Your Roots When Traveling Gets Too Much

Mar 20, 2024 By Juliana Daniel

Exploring the globe through travel may be thrilling. Moving and changing may be daunting, leaving us isolated and craving something familiar. Reconnecting with your roots is crucial at times like these.

Like trees, our roots ground us and provide stability in life's uncertainties. They symbolize our heritage, culture, and defining individuals and places. Reconnecting with our origins can help us achieve equilibrium after the chaos of travel.

Reuniting with our origins can take various forms. Some may return to childhood haunts, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, and scents. Others may spend time with loved ones and family, exchanging generations-old stories and customs.Whatever way we reconnect with our roots, we must cultivate and preserve the links that define us. We may find refuge and courage in our identity while exploring the globe. When travel overwhelms you, halt, breathe, and reconnect with your origins.

Select A Significant Itinerary

If you are going to a location to reacquaint yourself with your heritage, you should plan your trip so that it includes stops at locations that are crucial to your family's history. As far as it matters for me, I ventured out to the local where my dad spent his young life, the city where my mom was conceived, the island where my granddad's family started, and the home of my predecessors, which are all arranged on different islands and in various pieces of the Philippines.

By doing so, I was able to encounter a wide variety of locations while gaining a deeper understanding of my family's history. It's cool to walk the very roads that your folks and grandparents did quite a while back, and I won't beat the bramble about that!

Get In Touch With Relatives

Getting in touch with relatives still residing in the regions where you were born is the most effective way to get a taste of the country where you were born. They will likely be able to provide you with additional information regarding the location's history and a local perspective. It is also possible that you will be able to stay with them at no cost! If you chat with them and demonstrate that you are genuinely interested in what they say, they will be pleased to assist you.

They are, after all, a member of your family! If you do not have any family members living in your chosen location, your family members likely have old friends, classmates, or neighbors who can put you in touch with them.

Acquire Knowledge Of The Language

Learning your forefathers' language is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to reestablish a connection with your heritage. Even though many Filipinos are taught English in school, I am guilty of not doing this to its full extent. However, each time I go there, I acquire more and more vocabulary and grammar in the language my mother speaks in the Philippines.

This is a wonderful opportunity to gain knowledge about your culture, and it can also assist you in demonstrating to other locals that you are serious about talking with them. There is no requirement that you must always enroll in a class to learn a new language. Instead, you may try to talk with locals or have a family member teach you the fundamentals and then go from there.

Suppress Tourist Traps

It is a good idea to steer clear of attractions that are extreme examples of tourism or that are completely made up if the primary purpose of your journey is to gain a deeper understanding of your family and your history. If you come across something you look forward to doing (like diving for me), you should do it. On the other hand, these activities sometimes divert your attention away from what it is like to live as a local in a particular location.

Additionally, you won't often be required to learn as much of the language in touristy regions because many officials who work in tourism worldwide can speak English. Put yourself to the test by discovering the "under-the-radar" locations inside a trip; in most cases, your family members can assist you in this endeavor.

Record Your Experiences

It is possible that travelling to the nation of your ancestry will be a transformative experience for you, particularly if it is your first time doing so. Whether through films, photographs, or the plain old-fashioned use of pen and paper, you should make it a point to find a way to record your experiences.

It is only once in a lifetime that you will have the opportunity to go on a trip like this, and if you are sincerely committed to discovering more about yourself via travel, documenting your journey and engaging in self-reflection are always helpful methods to consolidate the experience. On top of that, you can pass those photographs on to future generations, and who knows what will happen? You may one day be the person who teaches other younger family members about their heritage!


Learning about one's heritage can help one find oneself and connect to one's roots. My experiences reconnecting with my Filipino heritage have taught me the value of learning about one's ancestors' history, language, and traditions. Selecting significant destinations and engaging with relatives helps us comprehend our family history and culture. Learning our ancestors' languages improves communication and shows our heritage preservation.

Avoiding tourist traps and finding authentic experiences lets us experience local life and appreciate our heritage. Taking photos, movies, or journals saves our voyage for future generations and builds cultural pride. Finally, travel revitalizes our identity and belonging by linking us with our roots. We honor our forefathers and continue their stories by embracing our heritage.